Ningxia is an autonomous region of the People's Republic of China located in the northwest part of the country. Ningxia is bounded by Shaanxi to the east, Gansu to the south and west, and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to the north and has an area of aprox. 66,400 square kilometres (25,600 sq mi).This sparsely settled and mostly desert region lies partially on the Loess Plateau and in the vast plain of the Yellow River, and features the Great Wall of China along its northeastern boundary. Over the years an extensive system of canals has been built. Extensive land reclamation and irrigation projects have made increased cultivation possible.

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Read more about Yinchuan Ningxia.

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (NHAR), is a landlocked autonomous region in the northwest of the People's Republic of China. Formerly a province, Ningxia was incorporated into Gansu in 1954 but was separated from Gansu in 1958 and was reconstituted as an autonomous region for the Hui people, one of the 56 officially recognised nationalities of China. Twenty percent of China's Hui population lives in Ningxia.

Ningxia has strong advantages in agriculture development: there are 19 million hectares of arable land, with 3.5 hectares per capita. With 10.7 million hectares of barren land ready to be cultivated. 

Ningxia is one of the 8 provinces having over 10 million hectares of barren land waiting for cultivation. Ningxia  is also one of the ten pastoral areas in China. Based on the advantages on resources such as coal, petroleum, gypsum, natural gas, wool and so on, 

Ningxia has established an industrial system leaded by coal industry, metallurgical industry, chemical industry and wool textile industry etc.

Ningxia was the core area of the Western Xia dynasty in the 11th-13th century, established by the Tangut people. The Tanguts made significant achievements in literature, art, music, and architecture, particularly invented Tangut script.

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    Northwest China

Northwest China Yinchuan
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